Friday, January 24, 2014

Photo Walk - The Vatican Museum

Chiaramonti Museum - a collection of Roman busts

I was especially fascinated by the ceilings, which were works of art by themselves

Hall of the Muses

The Round Hall

Gallery of the Candelabra

The Tapestry Room - The ceiling is not carved, but painted

The Gallery of Maps

Octagonal Courtyard - Hermes Ingenui

Octagonal Courtyard - Apollo Belvedere

Octagonal Courtyard - Lacoon Group

The Room of the Muses - the center statue is Apollo Cithadroedus

The Belvedere Torso - Michelangelo was so fascinated by this sculpture that he used the body contours for Jesus on the wall of the Sistine Chapel

Hall of the Muses

Round Hall

Round Hall - Hera  - Hercules - Cerses

Round Hall

Round Hall - Juno Sospita

Round Hall

Round Hall - Juno Sospita
Greek Cross Hall

The Sarcophagus of Constantine - The Greek Hall also contains Constantine's wife's sarcophagus

The Gallery of Maps - my favorite room

The Gallery of Maps

The Gallery of Maps - Italy

The Gallery of Maps - Italy

The Gallery of Maps - Venice
Sobieski Room

The Hall of the Immaculate Conception

The Hall of the Immaculate Conception

The Hall of the Immaculate Conception
Detail of the base of the sarcophagus
Gallery of the Candelabra - Artemis of Ephesus

The Gallery of Tapestries
The Gallery of Tapestries
The Gallery of Tapestries - as you walk by this Tapestry, Jesus seems to always be facing you 

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