Thank goodness my suite mates were in the bathroom, because even though I had set the time on my alarm, I did not turn it on. All was good, however, and I made breakfast and got to lecture with plenty of time. The first lecture this morning was about Nazi ideology. No PowerPoint, just the professor talking really fast. I wonder how overwhelmed the kids were. I went to college pre PowerPoint and the only professor who ever put up outlines for us was Dr. Warren with his overhead slides. The second speaker was with the office of the Secretary of Defense and his job is to try to locate MIAs from WWII in France. I didn't think it would be as interesting as it was, but think about all the forensics shows that's out there. He's solving 70 year old mysteries. Lunch was fish and fries.
For the afternoon we were back to the National Mall and actually separated from the kids for awhile. Both groups picked up researcher cards for the National Archives where we will be doing research on Wednesday. Both groups also went to the American History museum where we got to ride the freight elevator to the top of the building and see some of the collections behind the scenes. It was humorous watching peoples faces as we boarded the special elevator. The archivist showed us Grant's West Point coatee, Patten's coveralls, Bradley's jacket, and pieces of mess kits. We got to compare the German and American helmets as well. I think the kids got to see a little more than we did. They may have had a little more time because we had to transition to the Archives and back while they got to stay at the museum. They probably didn't ask as many questions.
We had a couple of hours free in the museum. They wanted all of us to go through The Price of Freedom exhibit about America at War, so we did. I thought I was moving through fairly quickly, but other teachers were moving at the same pace. I spent quite a bit of time in this museum when I came to Washington two years ago and the biggest change was that the whole west side of the building is closed for renovations, so there were only half the number of exhibits available. I strolled through the stores, the transportation exhibit, took some time to view the original Star-Spangled Banner and told another tourist they were not supposed to be taking pics. She took several, including using the flash, and I can't believe the docents didn't say anything to her. I know they were all over that stuff last time I came.
Speaking of cameras, I had left my good one in the room by accident, so I didn't take many pictures today. After the American History Museum, we walked over to the Natural History Museum for supper, no sight seeing there. Supper was lasagna, green beans, a salad, and a melted (by the time we got to it) ice cream sandwich.
We trekked across the mall to the Air and Space Museum to watch an IMAX movie on D-Day. It was in 3d, which doesn't always work for me and sometimes makes me nauseous. I was good in that count, but if kept dozing off...just for. Few seconds at a time, but I still felt bad about it.
We bussed back to campus where the kids practiced their presentations for the reception tomorrow. I have to brag on C, as i think she was one of the most prepared. Unfortunately, there are going to be very strict rules regarding cameras tomorrow. The official PR person for NHD will be our only photographer.
Today's steps: 16058. The rest of my team better get theirs turned in on Saturday, because with my traveling, we might actually have a shot.
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